Listening to some past favorites tonight.

Linkin Park was fantastic. I have hit πŸ‘ on every single song on Hybrid Theory.

Hybrid Theory


Elizabeth Leser

The irony of hiding the dark side of our humanness is that our secret is not really a secret at all. How can it be when we’re all safeguarding the very same story? That’s why Rumi calls it an Open Secret. It’s almost a joke - a laughable admission that each one of us has a shadow self - a bumbling, bad-tempered twin. Big surprise! Just like you, I can be a jerk sometimes. I do unkind, cowardly things, harbor unmerciful thoughts, and mope around when I should be doing something constructive. Just like you, I wonder if life has meaning; I worry and fret over things I can’t control; and I often feel overcome with a longing for something that I cannot even name. For all of my strengths and gifts, I am also a vulnerable and insecure person, in need of connection and reassurance. This is the secret I try to keep from you, and you from me, and in doing so, we do each other a grave disservice.

From Peter Elson: Great example of excellent 70’s Scifi art.

To Infinity and Beyond


1,000 Migrant Children Still Separated

How’s this for a headline

The Biden Administration Is Still Looking For Migrant Families Separated Under Trump

And the kicker of the story

In 2021, the Biden administration set up a task force to reunify these families, estimating that a total of 3,924 kids had been separated under the Trump policy from 2017 to 2021. As of September, however, about a quarter of those children still hadn’t been returned to their parents.

A program that started in 2017 under extremely lax documentation. Just. I have no words.

It’s the cruelty. The cruelty is the point.

It's the GOP, stupid

Paul Krugman writing at The New York Times

Right now America is a superpower without a fully functioning government. Specifically, the House of Representatives has no speaker, so it can’t pass legislation, including bills funding the government and providing aid to U.S. allies. The House is paralyzed because Republican extremists, who have refused to acknowledge Biden’s legitimacy and promoted chaos rather than participating in governance, have turned these tactics on their own party. At this point it’s hard to see how anyone can become speaker without Democratic votes β€” but even less extreme Republicans refuse to reach across the aisle.

Any decline in America’s perceived status on the world stage is at the hands of Republicans who have gleefully throw their support to full blown chaos in response to Obama’s presidency.


Great. Now I want chips.

low-sodium Doritos

To be fair, the low-sodium Fritos are waaayyy better.


I’m sorry, but Ralph Fiennes does not look like a ‘Ralph’.



A photo of last week’s date night dinner at The Melting Pot.

This whole time I was lied to. I was told babies were gestated for 9 months in a woman’s womb before birth.

Lettuce Baby

Everything is a lie. We’re born from vegetables.

An excerpt from Echos by Louise Gluck

if your soul died, whose life
are you living and
when did you become that person?

I do not think my sould has died.


How cool is this?

The official VSCO account shared my reshared my photo of the Yellowstone River.

The soundtracks to Christopher Nolan films are some of my favorite albums.

This year I have been especially drawn to the Tenet sound track. The opening song Rainy Night in Tallinn is an excellent opening song, simply stunning.

My geneuine question and fear about the Israel war against HAMAS:

Is Israel going to commit a genocide in retaliation?

Not my picture, but a very good picture.

Autumn Forest walk

I would actually like to walk across that suspension bridge.

I do not like being able to see through things that I walk over.


Content for content sake is just excessive.

I do not understand posting to your blog about how good your newsletter is. Just post the newsletter to your blog.

I miss Boxee.

That was a great streaming platform. Had my desktop PC hooked up to a 42 inch Plasma TV in my apartment running that for TV more than a decade ago.

I miss the window snap feature in Windows 11 when using my M1 MacBook Air. To automatically setup window pairs with 1 app owning 2/3rds and a second app owning 1/3 of the screen is a pretty neat feature.